For the second installment of Jungle Bunker Telemetric Funk, I invite Catgirl Kulak, famed government criticizer and Quebequois disrespecter, over to my bunker. Due to potential toxoplasma infection and doxxing, she put on a hazmat suit and used a voice changer.
In this quite long five-segment conversation we discuss the following topics following a single loose logical thread (timestamps provided):
The economic reasons for the collapse of the GAE (00:00:00)
The global geopolitical implications of GAE collapse: return to freedom and adventure, cyberpunk America frontier spirit (00:38:24)
The competence crisis, 19th century Western elite selection practices, and consequences of Civil Rights + Vietnam (01:16:04)
Monarchical-Coroporate-Cartels, sovereignty, Moldbuggian patchwork and which organizations survive times of crisis (01:59:57)
Starting your own MCC, becoming powerful and dangerous, advice for engineers and generally technical people (02:50:22)
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