Jungle Bunker Telemetric Funk
Jungle Bunker Telemetric Funk
The Enterprise of Iron Skies

The Enterprise of Iron Skies

A Review of In-Space Manufacturing

The Telemetric Funk returns to the topic of space!

In this episode, I give a broad introduction to In-Space Manufacturing (ISM) for the complete beginner with a focus on the construction of large metal structures in orbit. This field is both very early in its lifetime, and also disruption-proof in the case that the Black Budget propulsion and energy generation technology become disclosed. As far as I know, this is the only comprehensive review of this topic in audio format on the internet.

Segment Timestamps

What is ISM? (00:00:00)

We define ISM vs. ISA vs. ISAM, give a short history of ISM so far, and look at some market and environmental cases for manufacturing.

Why do ISM? (00:21:19)

Here we discuss the benefits of ISM, and the different types of design constraints it solves: structural, volumetric, etc.

What to Build with ISM? (00:42:39)

A short commentary on Advanced Materials, Biotechnology, Microfabrication, and a deep dive into Space Structures.

How to do ISM? (01:05:31)

A short review of Additive Manufacturing categories, how they have been researched in space, some tradeoffs to consider, and a deeper focus on Metal Directed Energy Deposition.

What’s stopping us from doing ISM? (01:31:29)

A small dive into processing challenges of melt pools in microgravity, space environmental conditions, and the general technical and business roadblocks on the path.

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Jungle Bunker Telemetric Funk
Jungle Bunker Telemetric Funk
Von Braun's long-lost great nephew raised in secret Guatemalan space program bunker. Preparing the world for the Holy Galactic Imperium while fathering future Space Pirates.